760 W. Eisenhower Pkwy, Suite 310 Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Wisdom Teeth

Understanding Your Wisdom Teeth

As you grow, your mouth undergoes many changes. One significant change often happens between the ages of 17 and 21 — the appearance of your third molars, commonly referred to as wisdom teeth. These teeth are named so because they typically come in during a more mature stage of life.

When these molars emerge correctly and are healthy, they can assist with chewing. While some discomfort is normal when it appears, persistent pain should be addressed with a visit to Comfort Smiles.

Do Wisdom Teeth Have Enough Space to Emerge?

Not all wisdom teeth grow in trouble-free. Issues may arise if there isn’t enough room in your mouth, or if the teeth come in at an awkward angle. If your dentist identifies that they are impacted, this means they’re trapped beneath the gums or within the jaw.

At Comfort Smiles, we monitor the development of your wisdom teeth to watch for potential complications, such as:

  • Teeth that trap food and allow bacteria to grow
  • Difficulties with flossing between these molars and their neighbors
  • Partially erupted teeth that expose the gums to bacteria, possibly leading to infections, pain, or swelling
  • Teeth without sufficient space, can crowd or damage nearby teeth
  • Impacted molars that could cause cysts, affecting surrounding roots and bone

When Removal Might Be Necessary

Every patient is unique, but sometimes removal of these molars is the best option. Wisdom teeth may need to be extracted if they cause issues like:

  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Cysts or tumors
  • Damage to adjacent teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay that can’t be treated

Your dentist at Comfort Smiles may also recommend removal as part of orthodontic care or other dental treatments.

Before suggesting extraction, your dentist will examine your mouth and take x-rays to assess the situation. Together, you’ll determine the best plan of action.

Keeping Your Molars Healthy

If your wisdom teeth don’t need removal, they should still be monitored regularly. As we age, the likelihood of dental issues increases, and that includes complications with these molars. Proper oral hygiene, including flossing around your wisdom teeth, and regular dental visits to Comfort Smiles will help ensure long-term oral health.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Comfort Smiles at (734) 996-9966 or visit us at 760 W Eisenhower Pkwy, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103. You can also email us at office@comfortsmilesannarbor.com or explore our services online at comfortsmilesannarbor.com.